Friday, August 15, 2008

The big day has arrived -- let the celebrations begin!

The big day was today -- our youngest turned 7 today! I can remember the day she was born like it was just last week...

I had lower back pains and was leaking very tiny amounts of amniotic fluid...1 week prior to my due date...exactly like with my first child...only with the first one I didn't know what it was...I was told by my OB/GYN that it was incontinence and that I needed to practice my Kegels and rest up for the big day...only to be in the hospital the next day with induced labor that lasted a day and a half...not this time...we knew what it was, went to the hospital...started the pit drip and had a baby 12 hours later! A beautiful little 8 lb 1 oz baby...with wrinkly little fingers and toes and fine little black eye lashes and black hair as silky as a mimosa flower.

Fast forward to today, now we have a talkative, bright, energetic brown-eyed beauty of a daughter.

I took a long lunch hour today and went to her school to have lunch with her. I bought my lunch from the cafeteria and sat at the kids' table. All of her little girlfriends gathered around us asking so many questions...asking what my name was, how old was I, where do I work, what did I bring (I had brought a cake for the kids to share that afternoon). I was pleased to see that my daughter's friends all seemed like nice kids (in the past she seemed drawn to the rebel of the class).

Tomorrow is the "party" when we'll have cake, ice cream, and presents! Along with the new bike and helmet we are giving her, I painted 2 t-shirts for her (I'll attach pictures).

In my eyes, it was a good day. I hope that she will have warm memories of her 7th birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm... Excuse me? "Dripping amniotic fluid..."???? What the... Guess we need to add this to our items to chat about. Holy cow!!! What next??? Can I take this all back?