Friday, September 19, 2008

Unidentified Flying Objects and Other Things That Interest Me...

On my way to work this morning I saw a flock of birds gracefully performing their morning ballet against the backdrop of the pale blue sky.

I'm not sure what kind of birds they were but as they danced and swirled in the rays of the sun the underside of their wings and bellies lit up in a glistening white. It reminded me of the way leaves on a birch tree shimmer in the wind.

They seemed to be performing for anyone interested, or maybe they performed just for me. It made me smile inside...felt like a little kiss on the cheek from God. He's the only one who would know how much I would get out of watching them...afterall I would feel silly actually telling someone about how much I enjoy watching a flock of birds swooping and swirling in the sky. The whole event probably only lasted about 20 seconds and then they were off to some other geographical point on their agenda.

I was touched and left with a little smile in my heart to have been in their audience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of or seen the movie, "Winged Migration?" If not, set aside a few dollars, go to the video store and rent it now. It's totally kid safe and basically shows the fall/spring migration patterns of hundreds of different species of birds with camera angles and views that will take your breath away. There's one scene in particular where a group of cranes are seriously performing a dance. Reminded me so much of the ballet!!! Let me know if you watch it.