Saturday, September 6, 2008

Going where I haven't been before...until now.

Saturday morning...about half past ten...I've been awake four hours already...we took the van in for its one year maintenance required to keep the extended warranty valid. It's six years old (2002). We bought it last year as a replacement to our van that was stolen right out of our driveway.

It was such a shock to walk out that morning (on August 13, 2007) and see the space in the driveway empty. I remember seeing our other car sitting there where I had parked it the night before...puzzled, I walked back in the house and asked my husband "Where did you park the van last night?" and hearing his immediate response "Don't even tell me!" as we both hurried back out to stare at the empty driveway space.

After all it was a 1998 Christmas green Dodge minivan...not exactly a hot item in the stolen auto world, or was it? The police informed us that vans are actually becoming quite popular in the human trafficking across the border because they "blend" in and that autos built prior to 2000 aren't always checked out as thoroughly as the newer ones. We were informed that we would probably never see it again and that they had more important cases to work on. So, we waited the required number of days (I think it was 60) for our insurance company to determine that it was indeed not recoverable, and began the process of "replacing" it once we received the check from the insurance company.

Our "new" van was actually "old" (2002 purchased in 2007) -- but of course that is a theme in my life right now (LOL).

Any way, after we dropped the van off we went to McDonalds and each got a sausage McMuffin (TM) from the dollar menu. The kids played in the play area while I got to sit by my husband and have a quiet moment with him on the other side of the glass wall. much nicer than the days when we had to sit inside the play room and endure the noise and activity of all the children squeezed in and swarming over each other.

Okay, for anyone who knows me, they know I am a GERMAPHOBE so yes, after the kids played in all those tunnels, and touched all of those video game knobs that have been touched by the hundreds before them, I gave them both an antibacterial handwipe to wash up with. It's all those nightly news informants who have felt the need to tell me about the "scientific" teams they send in to determine just what kinds of germs, bacteria, and viruses are lurking on the (you name it: tunnels, door knobs, shopping carts, dining tables, etc.). Can you say "Eeeewwwwwww!"

That brings me up to this point in time. I have so many things I want to blog about, but I don't want to end up with a 20 page entry. So I guess for now, I'll stop and go make some notes (handwritten, you know the old fashioned way) on what topics I want to include in future blogs.

Thought for the day: "Set your goals high enough so that you have to reach beyond youself."

Go with God.

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