Friday, July 18, 2008

Pass a cup of sleep pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Why am I soooooo very tired all of the time? I get up at 5 a.m., leave for work around 6:30 a.m. start work at 7 a.m., get off at 4 p.m., pick up the kids, go home, cook dinner, eat dinner, hang out with the family and somewhere in the middle of all that I start wanting to go to sleep...the bed is calling me...the pillow is calling eyelids are closing...wait! I still have laundry to do! Wait! I still have piles and piles of clutter to deal with! Wait! I still need to say good night to the kids, say bedtime prayers! Wait! I still need to hang with my hubby for awhile...have some spouse time! It all goes waaaaaay too fast, and nothing ever seems to get completed as it "should" be, as in done right the first time with 110% effort (corporate talk ringing around in my head). I need a nap.

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